
作者:Kinglong    发表时间:2024-02-06 22:01   








cheroot != 8.4.4


例如执行pip3 install tensorflow安装 tensorflow


pip3 install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple/ tensorflow

执行命令:python main.py,启动程序。


    // 监听帧变化事件

    this.frame_changed= function(event){

        var sceneName = this.editorUi.querySelector("#scene-selector").value;

        if (sceneName.length == 0 && this.data.world)


            sceneName = this.data.world.frameInfo.scene;


        if (sceneName.length == 0){



        var frame =  event.currentTarget.value;

        // 加载当前帧

        this.load_world(sceneName, frame);   




    // 加载当前帧数据

    this.load_world = async function(sceneName, frame, onFinished){

       var world = await this.data.getWorld(sceneName, frame);

       // 渲染





                    if (onFinished)






    // 渲染过程

    this.on_load_world_finished= function(world){




        this.unselectBox(null, true);






        // 刷新当前帧信息

        this.update_frame_info(world.frameInfo.scene, world.frameInfo.frame);







        // preload after the first world loaded

        // otherwise the loading of the first world would be too slow

        this.data.preloadScene(world.frameInfo.scene, world);




// 加载当前帧数据

getWorld(sceneName, frame, on_preload_finished){

     world = this._createWorld(sceneName, frame, on_preload_finished);



_createWorld(sceneName, frame, on_preload_finished){


    let world = new World(this, sceneName, frame, [this.worldGap*x, this.worldGap*y, this.worldGap*z], on_preload_finished);    




4.world.js 一帧的数据处理

function World(data, sceneName, frame, coordinatesOffset, on_preload_finished){  


    // 相机数据

    this.cameras = new Images(this.sceneMeta, sceneName, frame);

    // 雷达数据

    this.radars = new RadarManager(this.sceneMeta, this, this.frameInfo);

    // 激光雷达数据

    this.lidar = new Lidar(this.sceneMeta, this, this.frameInfo);

    // 标注数据

    this.annotation = new Annotation(this.sceneMeta, this, this.frameInfo);





    if (this.everythingDone){
        //console.error("re-activate world?");

        //however we still call on_finished
        if (this.on_finished){

    if (this.preloaded()){

        //this.points.material.size = data.cfg.point_size;
        if (this.destroy_old_world){

        if (this.destroyed){
            console.log("go after destroyed.");



-----lidar.js 激光雷达点云数据-----

    this.on_preload_finished = on_preload_finished;
    var loader = new PCDLoader();
    var _self = this;
    loader.load( this.frameInfo.get_pcd_path(),
        function ( pcd ) {
            _self.points_parse_time = new Date().getTime();
            console.log(_self.points_load_time, _self.frameInfo.scene, _self.frameInfo.frame, "parse pionts ", _self.points_parse_time - _self.create_time, "ms");
            if (_self.data.cfg.enableFilterPoints)// do some filtering work here
                pcd = _self.remove_high_ponts(pcd, _self.data.cfg.filterPointsZ);

            let position = pcd.position;

            // build geometry
            var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
            if ( position.length > 0 )
                geometry.setAttribute( 'position', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( position, 3 ) );

            let normal = pcd.normal;
            // normal and colore are note used in av scenes.
            if ( normal.length > 0 )
                geometry.setAttribute( 'normal', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( normal, 3 ) );
            let color = pcd.color;
            if ( color.length == 0 ) {
                color = []

                // by default we set all points to same color
                for (let i =0; i< position.length; ++i){                                

                // if enabled intensity we color points by intensity.
                if(_self.data.cfg.color_points=="intensity" && pcd.intensity.length>0){
                    // map intensity to color
                    for (var i =0; i< pcd.intensity.length; ++i){
                        let intensity = pcd.intensity[i];
                        intensity *= 8;
                        if (intensity > 1)
                            intensity = 1.0;
                        //color.push( 2 * Math.abs(0.5-intensity));
                        color[i*3] =  intensity;
                        color[i*3+1] = intensity;
                        color[i*3+2] = 1 - intensity;

                // save color, in case color needs to be restored.
                pcd.color = color;

            geometry.setAttribute( 'color', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(color, 3 ) );

            // build material
            var material = new THREE.PointsMaterial( { size: _self.data.cfg.point_size, vertexColors: THREE.VertexColors } );

            if ( color.length > 0 ) {
                material.vertexColors = color;
            } else {
                material.color.r = 0.6;
                material.color.g = 0.6;
                material.color.b = 0.6;

            //material.size = 2;
            material.sizeAttenuation = false;

            // build mesh

            var mesh = new THREE.Points( geometry, material );                        
            mesh.name = "pcd";

            //return mesh;
            // add to parent.
            _self.points = mesh;
            _self.pcd = pcd;
            //_self.points_backup = mesh;

            _self.points_load_time = new Date().getTime();

            console.log(_self.points_load_time, _self.frameInfo.scene, _self.frameInfo.frame, "loaded pionts ", _self.points_load_time - _self.create_time, "ms");


        // on progress,


        // on error
            console.log("load pcd failed.");

        // on file loaded
            _self.points_readfile_time = new Date().getTime();
            console.log(_self.points_load_time, _self.frameInfo.scene, _self.frameInfo.frame, "read file ", _self.points_readfile_time - _self.create_time, "ms");


5.annotation.js 标注数据

function Annotation(sceneMeta, world, frameInfo)

    this.world = world




    // 加载标注数据



        if (this.data.cfg.disableLabels){


        }else {

            var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

            // we defined the xhr

            var _self = this;

            xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {

                if (this.readyState != 4) return;

                if (this.status == 200) {

                    let ann = _self.frameInfo.anno_to_boxes(this.responseText);



                // end of state change: it can be after some time (async)



            xhr.open('GET', "/load_annotation"+"?scene="+this.frameInfo.scene+"&frame="+this.frameInfo.frame, true);





    // 处理标注数据

    this.proc_annotation = function(boxes){

        // .......

        // by kinlong 参数boxes是标注数据,this.boxes是对象

        this.boxes = this.createBoxes(boxes);  //create in future world




        this.world.webglGroup.add(this.webglGroup); // this.webglGroup.children


        //this.world.webglGroup.children[0].children-->this.boxes--> [LineSegments]



this.createBoxes = function(annotations){

        return annotations.map((b)=>{

            return this.createOneBoxByAnn(b);




this.createOneBoxByAnn = function(annotation){

        let b = annotation;


        let mesh = this.createCuboid(b.psr.position,







        if (b.annotator){

            mesh.annotator = b.annotator;



        if (b.follows)

            mesh.follows = b.follows;


        return mesh;  



 // 附加标注信息,创建长方体

 this.createCuboid = function(pos, scale, rotation, obj_type, track_id, obj_attr){

        let mesh = this.new_bbox_cube(parseInt("0x"+globalObjectCategory.get_obj_cfg_by_type(obj_type).color.slice(1)));

        mesh.position.x = pos.x;

        mesh.position.y = pos.y;

        mesh.position.z = pos.z;


        mesh.scale.x = scale.x;

        mesh.scale.y = scale.y;

        mesh.scale.z = scale.z;


        mesh.rotation.x = rotation.x;

        mesh.rotation.y = rotation.y;

        mesh.rotation.z = rotation.z;


        mesh.obj_track_id = track_id;  //tracking id

        mesh.obj_type = obj_type;

        mesh.obj_attr = obj_attr;

        mesh.obj_local_id =  this.get_new_box_local_id();


        mesh.world = this.world;


        return mesh;




        var h = 0.5;

        var body = [


            -h,h,h,  h,h,h,

            h,h,h,   h,-h,h,

            h,-h,h,  -h,-h,h,

            -h,-h,h, -h, h, h,



            -h,h,-h,  h,h,-h,

            h,h,-h,   h,-h,-h,

            h,-h,-h,  -h,-h,-h,

            -h,-h,-h, -h, h, -h,


            // vertical lines

            -h,h,h, -h,h,-h,

            h,h,h,   h,h,-h,

            h,-h,h,  h,-h,-h,

            -h,-h,h, -h,-h,-h,



            h,   0,  h,  1.5*h, 0, h,





        var bbox = new THREE.BufferGeometry();

        bbox.setAttribute( 'position', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(body, 3 ) );


        if (!color){

            color = 0x00ff00;





        linewidth is 1, regardless of set value.



        var material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color: color, linewidth: 1, opacity: this.data.cfg.box_opacity, transparent: true } );

        var box = new THREE.LineSegments( bbox, material );







        return box;
